CPHI Milan is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

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Travel & hotel

Everything you need for your trip

CPHI Milan

Prepare for your visit

Plan your travel & accommodation in advance to maximize your time at CPHI Milan 2024.

Opening Hours

Opening Hours


October 8-10, 2024

Eastern Standard Time (EST)


Day 1: 8 October: 08:00* - 18:30

Day 2: 9 October: 08:00* - 18:30

Day 3: 10 October: 08:00* - 18:30

Event Location

Event Location

Fiera Milano, Milan, Italy

Fiera Milano, Strada Statale Sempione, 28, 20017 Rho MI, Italy

Travel information

Before you arrive

Things to consider before arriving at CPHI Milan 2024

Hotel Reservation

Hotels around show dates tend to fill up quickly. In order to secure the best price for your hotel, we’ve once again teamed up with bnetwork to provide you with preferential rates at a variety of hotels within walking distance of the venue. 

How to experience Milan

Milan is a great city with lots to enjoy. When planning to attend CPHI Milan, why not extend your stay and explore? Experience Italy's rich culture, explore italian cuisine and learn about the city's history. Keep an eye on this space for more details of what this means for you. 

Need a visa?

If you are in need of a visa to attend CPHI Milan, you should start the visa process as early as possible. In line with Italian regulations, Informa Markets (the event organizer of CPHI Milan) cannot issue and/or sign any invitation letters for visa purposes. However, Informa Markets has appointed MiCo dmc as our official Italian partner. You may request a visa invitation letter and supporting documents from them.


You will need your registration key that you received from your registration confirmation email to be able to request your letter. If you haven't registered, please click the link here.  


To request your visa invitation letter, please use the link: https://guests.micodmc.it/CPHIVisa/


Each visa invitation letter costs EUR 100. For any questions regarding the invitation letter or visa application process, please contact: [email protected]


* The process of obtaining visa is ultimately your responsibility and the organizer nor the partner can guarantee this for you.  CPHI has no control or involvement in third-party decisions such as issuing an invitation letter or any kind of visa process.  

Visa FAQs
Do I need a visa?

You can check the visa requirements for visiting Italy here.

How can I obtain a visa?

If need a visa to attend CPHI Milan, you should start the visa process as early as possible. In line with Italian regulations, Informa Markets (organiser of CPHI Milan) cannot issue and/or sign any invitation letters for visa purposes. However, Informa Markets has appointed MiCo dmc as our official Italian partner. You may request a visa invitation letter and supporting documents from them.

You will need the registration key that you received in your registration confirmation email to request your letter. If you haven't yet registered, you can see the available ticket bundles here

To request your visa invitation letter, please use the link: https://guests.micodmc.it/CPHIVisa/

Each visa invitation letter costs EUR 100. For any questions regarding the invitation letter or visa application process, please contact: [email protected]

Do I need to use your partner?

Italy requires a "Formal Business Invitation" signed by an Italian company and representative for visa applications. As the organisers of the event, while we conduct business meetings with attendees, we are not authorised to issue these formal invitations directly and so we have partnered with MiCo dmc to make the process as smooth as possible.

You are of course welcome to pursue the visa application process independently, utilising your own contacts or resources to obtain the necessary documentation.

Is there a cost involved?

Whilst there is a cost associated with the manual work and detailed document checks, we have negotiated with our partner to ensure competitive rates of EUR 100 per visa letter.

Please note:

The process of obtaining a visa is ultimately the responsibility of the attendee. Neither the organiser nor our partner can guarantee the approval of any visa application. CPHI has no control or involvement in third-party decisions such as issuing an invitation letter or any kind of visa process.